

1648 Uppsatser om Religion i migration - Sida 1 av 110

Migration : Dokumenthanteringssystem till Webbapplikation

Migration mellan system används oftast när ett system har blivit föråldrat och då det märks att det inte längre är lika effektivt gentemot nyfunnen teknik. Då är det därför intressant att använda sig av migration, när det är av intresse att skapa ett nyare system utifrån det gamla. Detta arbete går igenom och löser problem vilka uppstått när en migration mellan ett dokumenthanteringssystem till en webbapplikation görs. Men fokuseringen har riktats mot att hitta den bästa migrations och övergångsmetoden för att kunna skapa en bra, enkel och effektiv migration mellan ett dokumenthanteringssystem till en webbapplikation.

Muslim i ett icke-muslimskt samhälle : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på fem muslimer som flyttat till Sverige från Turkiet

The purpose of this study is to examine whether religious behavior or religious identity changes when a person with Muslim background moves to a Christian country and also very secular such as Sweden. I have interviewed five people with Muslim background that have moved from Turkey to Sweden. In this study I have applied Anthony Giddens and Thomas Ziehe's theories about building up an identity but also Nader Ahmadis theory of migration and identity.The results of this study show that there is a change in the practice of religion but also that this differs between these five people who came from the same country. Nevertheless, a change in the practice of religion can on one hand be as a result of modernity and on the other hand, exclusion of family. It also proves that it is not possible to draw general conclusions on this issue instead it should be looked at from an individual perspective..

Mångkulturella och homogena skolor : En kvalitativ studie om lärares syn på undervisning om religioner vid fyra sydsvenska skolor

The purpose of this paper is to examine if there are any differences or similarities when it comes to teaching religion in a multicultural school versus teaching religion in a homogeneous school in Sweden. How do teachers describe religious education in schools and how do they justify their teaching strategies? What similarities or differences are there between teachers' approaches when teaching religion in homogeneous versus multicultural schools?The study is based on qualitative interviews which includes a total of four schools; two homogeneous and two multicultural. These schools have been selected with the help of the Migration Board's annual report from 2014 as well as from my own personal knowledge. One religious teacher from each of the schools was interviewed.The conclusion, among others, is that ethnic Swedish pupils do not have the same understanding of religion as students of different ethnicity.

Barn och religion : En studie om barns tankar om sin egen religion och andras religion

The objective of the essay has been the studying of the importance of religion for children. To answer and satisfy my objective, I have some questions: How do children talk about their own and others? religions? In what way do children associate themselves to religion? Which meaning does religion have for children?s identities? Which thoughts rise about religiontuition in the school?To answer the problem formulation, I have done a qualitative interview study with five children of different religious and cultural backgrounds in a Swedish communal school. The results showed that children?s thoughts about religion are mostly inherited from the parents.

Identitet, förståelse och den existentiella dimensionen : - en studie om hur religionens roll framställs i styrdokumenten för gymnasiets religionskunskapsämne

Today Sweden is both a secular and multi-religious country, of which Christianity historically has been a dominant player. Both processes of individualization and migration have contributed to a changed religious character as the current Swedish social situation represents. An interesting question to consider is how the Swedish school system has been able to adapt to the changed religious climate. This study examines the policy documents for religious education produced for upper secondary school, to see how the role of religion in the processes of individualization and migration, and the changes that these processes have brought the role of religion in today?s society as a whole, are described within them.

En studie kring migrationens betydelse för unga somaliers identitetsskapande i Bristol

The Somali community is relatively new in the UK and the majority of Somalis in Bristol are living under poor conditions in deprived areas. According to literature and research relevant for this study ethnic identity seems to be of more importance when threatened by environmental or social changes, such as experiences of migration. Young people are more exposed to such a process of identity construction. The aim for this study was to get a more profound understanding for the significance of migration for young Somali people?s identity formation in Bristol.

"Be som om ni kommer att dö imorgon, men arbeta som om ni skulle leva för evigt" - en studie av en mouridisk dahira i Stockholm -

Mouridiyya är en senegalesisk sufiorden, som sprider sig i världen genom att medlemmarna flyttar till nya städer och nya länder. De finns också representerade i Sverige och har bl. a bildat en bönecirkel, en dahira, i Stockholm. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur mouridiska immigranter bygger upp sin organisation i Sverige, särskilt när det gäller religiös mötesverksamhet, ansvarsfördelning, ekonomi, könsperspektiv och koppling till Senegal eller Gambia, samt att undersöka om detta kan länkas till teorier om religion och migration. Vi har fått möjlighet att besöka den mouridiska gruppen och fått en att undersöka den utifrån vår frågeställning.

Mellan säkerhet och mänskliga rättigheter : en studie av den svenska officiella migrationsdiskursen

This paper focuses on the Swedish migration discourse and investigates if and to what extent it is dominated by a security perspective. Analysing a number of official texts and documents I want to show how the discourse describes migrants and what implications this carries with it for the migrants and for the Swedish migration politics. Through discourse analysis I have analysed whose security that is prioritised, the Swedish or the refugees, who is the refugee and the asylum seeker, and who is the illegal migrant in the Swedish official migration discourse. As a theoretical frame for the analysis I have used theories on migration and security. These include theories on the securitisation of politics, the globalisation and the creation of political identity from the nation state perspective and theories on the connection between migration and security.My results show that a security discourse is dominating the Swedish official migration discourse and is therefore defining our reality and the identities of refugees, asylum seekers and illegal migrants.

Avislamisering och religiös påverkan i det svenska samhället : En studie om tio muslimers praktiserande av Islam

What impact does the Swedish society have on the practice of Islam? That is the main topic of this thesis.As a result of migration, the distinction between a specific region and a culture or religion has been mixed. Islam is not just part of the Middle East but is more and more institutionalized in the Western, and the Swedish society. Sweden, which is one on the most secular countries in the world, has developed into a country where the view on religion have been privatized. Religion can be practiced, but not in public.

Ungdomar, religion & religiositet En undersökning om ungdomars syn på religion och religiositet

This is a study concern high school student?s view of religion and their religiosity. I dispensed a questionnaire to 124 high school students studying comparative religion in a large high school in Sweden, with the students from different socio-economic backgrounds. The result I came up with is that traditional religion activities have decreased, religion has not disappeared but taken other shapes than before. And I also came up to with the result that more than half of them who answered the survey likes the subject and there are tendencies by them who doesn?t like the high school subject religion that they live in a non-religious family.The study concerns following aspects: sociology, youth, human needs, religion, spirituality and individualization..

Konvertering av webbapplikationer från ASP till ASP.NET

This dissertation is carried out on behalf of Two i Sverige AB. Two is a consulting agency which primarily works with the development of homepages. The company has several of its complete applications written in ASP e.g. the development of homepages. At the agency they have seen benefit migrating these applications from ASP to the more flexible environment ASP.NET.

Darwin eller design : - en studie om förhållandet mellan religion och vetenskap för läroböcker i anknytning till Lgy 11 för gymnasieskolan.

In the curriculum from 2011 for Religion in Swedish Upper Secondary School, a new content has been added regarding the relationship between religion and science. The pupils are supposed to acquire a view of how the understanding of religion and science can express questions concerning creationism and evolution. The purpose of this study is to identify how this relation between religion and science is represented in textbooks for the subjects of Religion and Biology and how pupils are encouraged to reflect on and discuss this relationship. The method of this essay consists of a qualitative content analysis of textbooks from both Religion and Biology. The result of this study showed an overall multifaceted picture of the relation between religion and science..

Religionsfrihet i en nordisk kontext : Hur bör en nordisk stat förhålla sig till religionsfrihet?

Uppsatsen utgår ifrån att religionsfrihet är en mänsklig rättighet som håller på att få allt mer internationell uppmärksamhet på grund av dess roll i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Genom att ingående beskriva de faktorer som påverkar religionsfrihet och se in på hur religionsfrihet förstås och behandlas ur en statlig synvinkel kan en rimlig förståelse skapas av religionsfrihet för Norden. Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om religionsfrihet för att en nordisk stat bättre ska kunna ta sig an morgondagens utmaningar i form av framförallt ett mera mångkulturellt samhälle. Den nordiska kontexten, en sekulär statsmodell samt en godtagbar religionsfrihetsmodell för framtiden är alla centrala delar i vilka religionsfrihet behandlas.Uppsatsen visar bl.a. på att religion bör ha en naturlig plats i den offentliga sfären samt behovet av att diskutera och fastslå civilsamhällets och religiösa församlingars roll i framtidens Norden beträffande frågor som berör t.ex.

SYNS VI I SVERIGE? : En rättssäkerhetsstudie om barn i migrationsprocessen

The current thesis is on the rule of law and how the principles of the rule of law are met in thenew Swedish migration process. The migration process has been subjected to criticism duringseveral years and on different occasions. The migrations process is viewed through a ?rightsof the child? perspective, foremost to seek if the rights of the child are met. The children are avulnerable group, not the least in the process of migration.

Att byta land - hur migrationserfarenheter kan påverka individen

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att lyfta fram några personers egna erfarenheter av migration för att diskutera vad migration kan innebära för dessa människor och hur de upplever att dessa erfarenheter har påverkat dem. Genom att intervjua personer som själva har migrerat har vi kunnat ta reda på hur dessa personer definierar följderna av migrationen och hur de upplever att de har förändrats och vilka resurser och tillgångar de har förskansat sig till följd av migrationen. Resultaten pekar mot att migration trots svåra upplevelser och processer kan leda till en positiv utveckling för migranten som person. Vi har förstått detta resultat utifrån ett lösningsfokuserat perspektiv och utvecklat en tanke om hur socialt arbete med migranter eventuellt kan förbättras med fokus på de positiva aspekterna av migration och dess konsekvenser..

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